Atlantek Computers LTD

What is the Internet?


It is a network of connections that allows the exchange of data between different devices. Today, the definition of the Internet encompasses the full range of services. Discover the most important global facts about the Internet and its users.

Who provides broadband in Ireland?

There are several Internet Service Providers in Republic of Ireland. One of the fastest growing and providing outstanding speeds as well as fast customer service and technical support is Atlantek Computers LTD. To understand more about available services, please visit Atlantek net website.

Basic definition of the Internet

The Internet is a global data exchange system using the IP communication protocol. This protocol is a set of actions performed automatically by devices to establish a connection and exchange data. It is a lower level protocol.

At the hardware layer, the connection in a single system is made possible by hosts and servers with transceiver devices. The former are all devices that allow the exchange of data and the use of network services (e.g. e-mail boxes). Examples of this type of hardware are computers, tablets, smartphones, consoles and smart TVs. Servers are used to share these data and services. Transmitting and receiving devices are modems and routers that transmit signals from the telecommunications infrastructure to individual devices.

Details of how the Internet works

The inseparable term for the Internet is WWW. It is an abbreviation of the English words World Wide Web, which means world wide web. Often the terms “Internet” and “WWW” are treated as synonyms. This is a mistake. The Internet can be divided into two components. The first is the World Wide Web, which is the system of data exchange between hosts and servers described above. To put it simply, it is a wide global network of interconnected computers.

In contrast, the WWW is a web service that collects this data. A web service is a web application that uses the high-level HTTP protocol. It provides a support layer for the data. It sends a request to make it available, which is carried out by the web service.

In other words, with the help of the IP protocol it is possible to communicate with the worldwide network full of interconnected devices. The HTTP protocol is responsible for downloading data from the website and displaying it on the screen of a smartphone or a computer, for example.

What are the ways to connect to the internet?

The most common way to connect to the network is via a modem or router. In this way, the information on the Internet will be transmitted between the provider and the user in a secure and good quality way. Nowadays, Internet access is widespread and it is not much of a problem to connect your home to the Internet. Fibre optic Internet is gaining popularity, as it allows for faster data transfer as well as competitive prices .Atlantek Computers LTD  provides several fibre packages, differing in prices and speeds. You will learn more by visiting the website.

How do you switch on the Internet? The ways will vary depending on whether you use a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. The network package can be sold as a card, top-up or wired connection (if you have a computer or laptop).

What possibilities does the Internet offer and what are its advantages?

The Internet is considered by many to be the best invention. Thanks to this network you can talk to your friends, send various graphics without worrying about their quality, as well as order various products with home delivery. What are the possibilities of the Internet and what positive things can the discovery of its new functionalities bring?

Quick access to diverse information from all corners of the world, ease of finding answers in the field of general and specialised knowledge.

Direct contact with family and friends as well as external entities: the possibility to use social networks, social media and e-mail for this purpose.

Online shopping: products can be ordered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as the possibility of choosing a convenient form of collection, as well as a multitude of payment methods.

Entertainment: It is also important to remember that using the Internet is fun. You can watch films or look at funny pictures, but also listen to music. Connecting to the net guarantees a lot of solutions to spend your free time well.

Reaching a wide audience (e.g. through social networks): this solution is especially important in the digital marketing or e-commerce sector. The Internet has made it possible to open online businesses, which is still gaining popularity today.

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