Understand YouTube the Right Way!

Understand YouTube the Right Way!


YouTube is one of the most used social media platforms for video-sharing; well it almost is a search engine now second to Google Search. No matter how many days and years pass by, it still keeps getting bigger and bigger due to many users being added.

Now, if you have just started as a content creator on the YouTube community, then you know how important it is to get free subscribers by slowly growing your channel. There are different ways to gain subscribers but what are the caveats that need to be taken care of?


Now, when you start posting videos, there would always be scope for the production quality of the videos. In a particular sense, this is not the number one priority though. There are quite a few things that you need to keep in mind when you start off.

How to build your subscribers?

You have two ways for this; you can build subscribers the organic way by following all the best practices by the YouTube community. You need to be consistent with your posting by choosing the right time to post your videos. At the end of every video, you have to make the viewers engage with your video. They can either like, unlike, comment, or subscribe to your video. Keep tracking the YouTube Analytics for your channel and take recommendations from them.

Make short videos so that they are easy to watch. Also, while setting the video, use keywords in title, image, and description of every video.

How are you going to edit your videos?

As much as shooting your video is important, you need to edit it well for the complete raw video to flow. You may make some minor mistakes while you are recording the video and you might have to focus during the editing time to remove all these mistakes. Make your video engaging and interactive while you are editing it.

How are you going to present yourself in the videos?

If you are going to present yourself while filming the video, speak confidently and clearly. Your zeal and enthusiasm should make the viewers to stay and watch your video completely. A human’s attention span is 3 seconds and if you are aiming for maximum views and reach, then you will have to present yourself well.

Apart from all this, invest in a good quality camera to record your videos and a mic if you are speaking while recording. You may work hard to put up a video behind the screen but when you upload the video, everything should be effortless and smooth.


Thus, these are some things in mind for you to think about how you are thinking of growing in the YouTube Community. As long as you produce and post good quality content videos, you will attract the viewers and get free subscribers for your channel that way. You need to ensure to be patient and be enthusiastic about your uploads just like ever

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